Enfish Tracker Pro Readme Version 1.2 provides significant performance and feature enhancements as described below: · Performance enhancements. Enfish Tracker Pro now locates your information more than 100% faster than previous versions. · Additional Web search locations. We've added over a dozen new ones in addition to Yahoo!, AltaVista, Excite, and InfoSeek · Share Trackers. This feature allows you to select a Tracker and its associated results and share them with other Enfish Tracker Pro users. · New Overview and Tutorial helps you get most out of Enfish Tracker Pro, quickly. We invite you to take a few minutes to view these. (If you choose to view them later, you can access them by opening up the Help menu and selecting Getting Started.) · Stopping a query before it completes can now be accomplished by pressing the ESC key. · Other improvements and enhancements, described in detail below, include · Expanded Email support · More streamlined approach to tracking various types of files · Newly designed QuickNotes · Enhanced Internet accessibility and functionality · Installation functionality has been enhanced · Various known problems have been fixed · Uninstall problems have been identified and noted below · Technical support information has been changed slightly and is noted below Email Our email support now includes the following enhancements: · HTML-based email has been fully integrated. · All sub-folders in mail applications are now fully tracked. · All email attachments are properly identified by type. · Errors viewing Eudora mail messages have been corrected. · Lotus Notes email is now being fully tracked. · MAPI email has been refined to return more accurate results. In addition, the following paragraphs describe other refinements that were made to email support: Lotus Notes email password procedures In order for Enfish Tracker Pro to properly track Lotus Notes email, you must provide your Lotus Notes password to Enfish Tracker Pro. If you choose Lotus email as your primary email program at installation time, the installer will automatically ask for your password and Lotus email information will be tracked during the initial analysis of your machine's data. This is the preferred method for entering your Lotus Notes password. If you choose a different primary email package during installation, and you still wish to track your Lotus email, you will need to enter your Lotus Notes password in Enfish Tracker Pro's Options dialog. Here are the steps: 1. Select "Options..." from the "Tools" menu in Enfish Tracker Pro. 2. Click on the "Lotus Email" item under the "Email" section of "My Tracked Information." 3. Check the box next to your mail account name and enter your password in the edit box labeled "Password." 4. Click the "Apply" button. Lotus email will now be tracked, assuming the correct password was entered. (Note that if you accidentally entered the wrong Lotus Notes password during installation, you will need to perform the above steps to enter the correct password.) Tracking MAPI email If you have a supported MAPI email program (such as Outlook 97, Outlook 98, or CCMail) and you do not select it as your primary email program during installation, Enfish Tracker Pro will not track it. Many computers have old, unknown or never used MAPI email profiles configured in Windows. To prevent Enfish Tracker Pro from accidentally attempting to track something that you don't want to have tracked, Enfish Tracker Pro will ignore that information unless you instruct us that it is your primary email during installation. If you selected the incorrect email package during installation, select the Options item under the Tools menu in Enfish Tracker Pro and select the correct email packages to track. Password procedures for Lotus cc:Mail If you include the information service for Lotus cc:Mail in your mail profile, you must check the "Remember password" checkbox on the service's property page or unpredictable behavior may result. Here are the steps: 1. Go to Windows Control Panel and open the Mail control panel (sometimes called "Mail and Fax") 2. Highlight the Lotus cc:Mail information service and click "Properties." 3. If the "Remember password" checkbox is not checked, check it and click "OK" 4. Enter your cc:Mail password if prompted to do so. Netscape version 4.5 We have included support for Netscape Communicator 4.5 in version 1.11 and greater. We now track all Netscape Bookmarks and mail (including multiple Netscape mail accounts) Tracking File Types In versions prior to 1.1 of Enfish Tracker Pro, all file types were dealt with on an exclude basis. That is, unless you specifically requested us not to find a file type, Enfish Tracker Pro would track it. In order to improve performance, our 1.1 and later releases work by specifying which file types to include. A list of these included files types can be seen by going to the Tools menu, selecting Options, then Files, then Tracked File Types. New design of Quick Notes We have developed a new look and feel to our popular QuickNote application. Designed to enable you to jot down notes and link your information 'on the fly,' QuickNotes retain their auto-naming and auto-saving features, and present a friendlier look. Enhanced Internet functionality America OnLine We have expanded our compatibility to include support for AOL Favorite Places. We support AOL version 3.0 for Windows 95 or greater. Internet Explorer 5 Beta Internet Explorer 5.0 Beta is now fully supported in version 1.10 and greater. All IE5 Favorites are fully tracked and IE5 can be used to view all .htm and .html files as well as Web pages in the viewer. Netscape version 4.5 We have included support for Netscape Communicator 4.5 in version 1.11 and greater. We now track all Netscape Bookmarks and mail (including multiple Netscape mail accounts) Web Sites We have improved our Internet Web Site tracking. In previous versions it is possible that incoming mail would prevent certain sites from being tracked. In the 1.20 release, when Web tracking is interrupted by mail, Tracker returns to the Web Site that was previously being tracked. Options for Viewing Web Pages Viewing capabilities of Internet Explorer can be improved by setting an option to have Web pages handled by IE and utilizing the latest HTML capabilities (as opposed to using the built-in viewer). To select this option, open up the "Options..." selection from the "Tools" menu. Select "Preferences" and then select the tab labeled "Viewer." If it's not already selected, select the checkbox "Use Microsoft Internet Explorer to view Web pages." This will not affect your default browser application inside of Windows. The ability to track and find web pages is not affected by how this option is set. Installation improvements Windows NT You must have administrator rights to install Enfish Tracker Pro in Windows NT. Smart Downloads When installing Enfish Tracker Pro from the Internet, the Smart Download of the installation files for Enfish Tracker Pro will usually occur in multiple stages. The initial download will include Enfish Tracker Pro files that are required by all users of the product. The installer will determine if required support files provided by Microsoft and INSO are installed in your version of Windows. If those files are not installed or configured, or if older versions are detected, the installer will download the necessary files from the Enfish Web site. If the Enfish Tracker Pro installer requires additional files from the Enfish web site, you should remain connected to the Internet after you complete the initial download of the Enfish Tracker Pro installation file and then immediately install Enfish Tracker Pro. Installing when you connect to the Internet using a proxy server If you connect to the Internet through a proxy server, the installer will not download the required additional installation components if your proxy is not properly configured in Windows. If you are having difficulty connecting through your proxy, please contact Technical Support for assistance. Installing with Windows 95b bug fixed We have fixed an installation problem related to a specific configuration of Windows 95b. We are now fully compatible with all versions of Windows 95, 98 and NT version 4.0 or greater. (NT 5.0 Beta not yet included) Known Problems Corrupt CAB file If you receive an error during installation about a corrupt CAB file, your download was not completed. Please restart the installation process and re-download all components. Sending email from the Help menu Sending email from the Help/Contact Enfish/Email Technical Support menu option requires simple MAPI to be configured in Windows. This feature of the program will use the default MAPI client to send the email, which may not always be the email client that you actually use. If you encounter problems doing this, Technical support is available from the Enfish Website. Selecting Trackers before a query is complete When a Tracker is selected in the Trackers list, Enfish Tracker Pro begins to look for the requested information and a status bar containing a Stop button appears at the bottom of the Enfish Tracker Pro. At this point you should refrain from selecting an additional Tracker until the information has been found or the Stop button is pressed. You can currently select other Trackers and interrupt the search. This does not usually cause problems, but if you select enough Trackers in a very rapid manner it is possible to cause Enfish Tracker Pro to terminate abnormally. AOL users having problems tracking Web sites If you are using America Online as your Internet Service Provider, Enfish Tracker Pro requires America Online for Windows 95 3.0 or higher. If you are having trouble performing Internet searches or tracking Internet sites with your AOL Internet connection, please verify that you have a supported version of the America Online software. If you require assistance, please contact Technical Support. Updating network drives "in real time" In Options, if you add a network drive to track you will be offered the option to "Keep this information up to date in real time". This option should only be available to Fixed Disks. Tracking network drives In Options, after adding a network drive to be tracked that drive will continue to be tracked until you remove it from Options. To do this go to Tools | Options | Files and highlight the drive you wish to remove. Select Delete. Note this will not delete the information on the drive. This will simply not track this information in Enfish Tracker Pro. Internal Error Value bug We have solved the Internal Error Value some customers had seen in Release 1.02. The ability to configure how your information is tracked is now fully functional. To configure what information you want to track, go to the Tools menu and select Options. Uninstalling Enfish Tracker Pro On some occasions some Enfish Tracker Pro files cannot be removed until you reboot your computer. If the uninstall suggests that you reboot your computer, please save all work in progress, close all running programs, and restart Windows. Some problems have been reported when using other uninstall systems such as CyberMedia Uninstaller or Quarterdeck CleanSweep. Please use the uninstaller provided with Enfish Tracker Pro should you wish to uninstall the program. The uninstaller can be run from the Enfish Tracker Pro group on the Start Menu, or from the Add/Remove programs application in the Windows Control Panel. Contacting Enfish Technical Support Should you need to send a problem report to Enfish Technical Support, please go to the Help menu in Enfish Tracker Pro, select the Contact Enfish option, and then select the Email Technical Support option. Please complete the form as thoroughly as possible and click the Send button to email your support request to Enfish. This is the preferred method of reporting issues to Support Services Confidential to Enfish Technology, Inc. Copyright 1999. All rights reserved - not to be distributed without prior written permission.